
13 More Days...

13 more days until Alisa's birth son, Brian (Travis) will be coming to Utah with his parents.  We are so excited - it's hard to wait. It's been 21.5 years.  It's been so wonderful to meet him over the phone and internet via facebook, emails and blogs. On Saturday, the 3rd of November Alisa, Holli and I will meet him and his parents, Debbie and Kimber Goddard from West Sacramento.  Then we'll all attend the first session of the 179 Semiannual General Conference in Salt Lake.

My heart is so very full.  Alisa is filled with joy.  After that session, we all plan to go to David & Ana's in Brigham Apartments to have lunch together and watch the next session of conference.  On Sunday we have a family gathering planned at the CranFarms Cabin - we'll eat and watch the closing session together and we'll get to know Brian -- if it wasn't the Sabbath we'd want to sing & dance.  Then Sun. night he'll stay with Alisa and family and fly out Monday eve.

Triple Happiness!!!

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