

Ever since I was 8 or 9, I've been overjoyed by frogs. One summer we met our Tiffany cousins at a beautiful park on the way home from Huntington Beach. It was inland a bit before Disneyland in the Brookhurst area. The ponds were filled with frogs and tadpoles. I gathered as many as my dad would let me take home and made a cage of sorts for them in my bedroom. I soon realized I had to let the frogs out, to live in our gardens back by our Jackson Street patio, by the camelias and the ivy. However, I continued to raise the very large tadpoles. They were facinating (to Finna as well as the rest of the family). Once the cat knocked the screen off the top of the 9x11 baking pan they lived in and one or two got out. I remember finding one, covered with dust in the far corner of the bedroom.

This is about how I've felt the last few weeks... basking in the sun in my backyard.

The Crawford Gladiolas. Last year Dennis brought me a container full of bulbs. Kessler and I carefully planted them and we had fun watching them grow. Dennis said to be sure and dig them up before the ground froze. Well last winter I had major work done on my yard and had trenchwork done all over. I wasn't able to dig them up, as that area of the yard was blocked. Darn it! So they were covered with new dirt and weed meshing to prevent growth and more dirt. Didn't think I'd ever see them again. You know those Scottish blooded peeps... these weren't ordinary gladiola. Early summer I found two plants that had worked their way through the weedproof covering. I wondered if they would make it into blooms. Well with lots of water and a little coaxing they are blooming beautifully and gracing my garden. Amazing!

Budlin, cozing on his daytime spot on my desk by the window. He loves sunshine as much as I do.
Poor Bud is aging (12 now - 84 in cat years). He has an ear that is injured, and a few aches here and there, but he still has a soul mate -- her name is Ezita.

Now here is Britt's new look, has anyone seen him on his yellow bullet?

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