
Max's Mission Call to SPAIN, Malaga Mission

Unbelievable! Max is called to SPAIN, Malaga August 25th.  He was suppose to report in Janurary, but they moved the date up to mid December. Here is is with his familia.

He arrive in Madrid MTC the first part of February 2011.  Granada Spain is his first assignment. Two baptism in Granada.
The mother was baptised one week and the two daughters the next.

Transferred to Alecante on the Mediterranean Sea coast.  New companion Elder Wells, from Huntington Beach, So Cal.

 Baptism 5, first Alecante baptism.  Max, sister and two sons, and comp.


David Balkcom Balcom Backom Blackom etc.

David Balkcom Balcom Backom Balkom
The Califonia Sacramento Alpine Salt Lake kid all grown up.


Alisa's Very Memorable Temple Day

Such a wonderful dream come true.  Oh VERY Happy Day!
Our Temple:  Mt. Timpanogos  February 13, 2010 
Together Forever...
Wearing My Mother's Mink - bringing a bit of Mary along.

Familiness... missing Derek & Lacey

 Thankful for Blessings from Britt

Alisa' December BDay at PF Changs

Fun times celebrating Alisa's B Day Lunch at PF Changs.

Olivia and PF Chang

Alisa, Oliv & Lacey

Extra Fun Day!


Family Photos with Brian G. - Conference Sunday Oct. 2009

Mother and Son Reunited - Double Happiness! 

Brian has been raised in a wonderful family, with great parents.  We're so thankful to have them share him with us now, too. 

JaNise, Brian holding Olivia, Alisa -"Mom", Kessler and Lacey -- we miss Derek.  Gorgeous Sibs.

Triple Happiness!

Britt, Holli, Olivia, Brian w Cadence, Alisa, Linda (Momma T,Gramz), Erica, Rich
    Lacey, JaNise, Isabelle, Savannah, Kessler, Cassidy & London
(missing David,Ana & Ariel; 5 of Holli's kids -- oh darn!)

Repeat photo with little Cadence, Chelsey & Derek's baby girl - Alisa's grandaughter.

The Adorable Chiniquy Family:  Rich, Erica, Cassidy, Savannah & London


He's Here! It's Him! Brian G./Travis Arrives

Such happiness!  Alisa couldn't wait in front of the crowd.  She was too nervous.  She said - he'll look just like his photos - we'll know him when he comes down the escalator.  Kessler waited at the top - when he saw him he came bounding down the stairs -- "It's him!  He's here!  It's really him!"  I've never seen a bigger smile on Alisa!


Cherished Moments

Goodwood's on Monday for Steaks & Ribs.  Yum! 
What a handsome "guest of honor". 
Lacey loved her time with her brother.  She'd heard about him all her life.

Friday night at Cafe Rio after the airport. Brian's mother made a beautiful photo Album of his life for Alisa. Such a kind and thoughtful treasure. Alisa's eyes spilled with tears and she turned the pages of his life.

Temple Square Sat am conf. Oct 3.  Walked to Luncheon at Ana & David's and watched the next session. Holli & boys came too.  Wonderful.

Bye for Now ... Brian Flys Back to Sacramento Monday Night


13 More Days...

13 more days until Alisa's birth son, Brian (Travis) will be coming to Utah with his parents.  We are so excited - it's hard to wait. It's been 21.5 years.  It's been so wonderful to meet him over the phone and internet via facebook, emails and blogs. On Saturday, the 3rd of November Alisa, Holli and I will meet him and his parents, Debbie and Kimber Goddard from West Sacramento.  Then we'll all attend the first session of the 179 Semiannual General Conference in Salt Lake.

My heart is so very full.  Alisa is filled with joy.  After that session, we all plan to go to David & Ana's in Brigham Apartments to have lunch together and watch the next session of conference.  On Sunday we have a family gathering planned at the CranFarms Cabin - we'll eat and watch the closing session together and we'll get to know Brian -- if it wasn't the Sabbath we'd want to sing & dance.  Then Sun. night he'll stay with Alisa and family and fly out Monday eve.

Triple Happiness!!!



Last Monday Travis (Brian) came back into our lives. Here he is in South Africa.

21 Year Reunion: Brian (Travis), Alisa's Birth Son

Brian (Travis) and girlfriend Jillian

South Africa bound: LDS Mission

Brian and his family - Sacramento Temple

After 21 years of separation and several years of searching, Brian (Travis) found US!! Alisa and I have been in the clouds, on top of the world, for 5 days!! IT'S SUCH A MIRACLE!

      Here he is with his beautiful sister, Stacy.


Back in the Day... Mildred Wingate

Here's Grandmother B, back in the day...
Ol timey picnic. She was the oldest in her family. Although she was born in Florida, she lived in Georgia (St. Marys & Kingsland) most of her life.

I love the hat! Looks like fall by the oak tree & lake.

Sisters - Keta & Mildred

Grandmother Balkcom (Mildred Irene Wingate)

Grandmother Balkcom is an amazing woman. She's 96 year's young! "GO" was her middle name, according to her husband, Dewey. (He died of a massive heart attack about 35 years ago.)
When David came home from his mission in December of 2001, she came to San Diego from Sacramento. One of the main attractions on her San Diego list was to visit the San Diego ZOO!
Yes, indeed, we "did the zoo".

This photo was taken at David & Ana's wedding
in 2007, at 94 years young, she's still a doll!

Happy Day, Grandmother comes to BYU from
Sacramento for Britt's Graduation in 2003.

Here she helps to send "Elder Balkcom" (Britt)
on his mission to Adalaide, Austrailia in 2000

Uncle Britt's BDay Party

What a party! Provo Canyon, Nunn's Park.
Here's five of the girl cousins (clockwise): Izi, Cass, Lace, Ire, JaNise.

The evening was BEAUTIFUL, Britt was frisky, and we all froliced in the canyon breeze. The food was yummy & the fire was blazing.

Alisa, Kess, Lacey Lu & a visiting chickadee.

Rich, Erica and Cass

Sawyer, Hol, Brittney, Britt & Max. Max grilled the meat & helped clean up. He's such a great kid -- actually he'll be 19 this month.

Triple Trouble


Introducing Cadence Marie, Derek and Chelsea's new baby girl. Chelsea came down from Rock Springs, WY to visit and introduce her to the fam. She's beautiflul & Chelsea enjoys her so much and takes such good care of her. She's ADORABLE and so petite!

Here's Aunt JaNise, Cassidy, Chealsea & Cadence, and Isabelle.

Four Generations: Alisa, Chelsea, Baby C & GGMa.


Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House by JaNise

(by JaNise) We went to the temple today and it was so glorious. To see that great magnificent building was terrific. This temple is a wonderful because it's the Lord's house. My favorite part was the Celestial Room where there were two huge mirrors showing you going on for ever and eternity. The giant star shaped chandelier was so magnificent!

This photo is with me and my mother, Alisa, and Olivia Mary. Kessler was nearby eating chocolate chip cookies. We went with Grammy and she made us Pigs in a Blanket (sausage rolls) for brunch to eat on the way and we had icy cold red grapes. Yum!! When we came back we went swimming for a bit at Grammy's pool. I'm spending the night tonight and we went to Yoga and then to Rubio's in AF. After we came home we washed the car by hand. Whew what a day of memories and special times.